µ[micro]electronics info

A weblog focused on interesting circuits, ideas, schematics and other information about microelectronics and microcontrollers.




Because I have not tested all electronic circuits mentioned on this pages, I cannot attest to their accuracy; therefore, I do not provide a warranty of any kind and cannot be held responsible in any manner.

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Microchip PIC

Game with LCD from Nokia 3310

Simple and cheap graphic game system with LCD from Nokia cellphone.

EchoMP3 - small MP3 player

Cheap and excellent MP3 player based on VS1002 MP3 decoder, PIC18F45x microcontroller and LCD display from Nokia 3310 cell phone.

MP3 software decoder for dsPIC33

A great thing: software-based MP3 decoder for dsPICs, published under GPL.

WinUSB - USB library for PICs from Jan Axelson

WinUSB a generic driver for devices that don't fit a defined USB class. The driver was introduced with Windows Vista and is also usable on Windows XP systems. The driver is not usable on earlier Windows editions. The driver supports control, bulk, and interrupt transfers.

WinUSB is a .NET host application for accessing devices that use the WinUSB driver. Each includes an example INF file to match the device's Vendor ID and Product ID to a device interface GUID. There are two variants - VB.NET and C#

IR Light Dimmer

Adjusting lights with common remote controller.

Two frequency counters with PIC

Two simple frequency counters with PIC microcontrollers.

PIC Countdown timer

Here is a PIC16F84 countdown timer for PCB exposure unit

TCP/IP stack on Microchip PIC24

PIC24FJ64GA002 + ENC28J60 hobby project

Accelerometer again...

I've published the article about AVR-based accelerometer a few days ago. Here is another stuff with Microchip PIC.

Microchip Technology Offers Integration’s EZLink™ Development Kit via microchipDIRECT for Sub-GHz Wireless Networking

Microchip Technology Inc. today announced the availability of Integration Associates’ EZLink™ Development Kit (Microchip part # TDKEZ915) for $240 on the www.microchipdirect.com e-commerce Web site.

This kit augments the wireless products offered by Microchip, by providing wireless customers an option for easy sub-GHz RF modem development. The EZLink radio module contains an onboard PIC18F2520 8-bit Flash microcontroller and Integration’s IA4421 EZRadio® transceiver.

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