µ[micro]electronics info

A weblog focused on interesting circuits, ideas, schematics and other information about microelectronics and microcontrollers.




Because I have not tested all electronic circuits mentioned on this pages, I cannot attest to their accuracy; therefore, I do not provide a warranty of any kind and cannot be held responsible in any manner.

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QP: Open-source state machine framework

QP™ is a family of lightweight, open source, event-driven, state machine frameworks and real-time kernels for embedded microprocessors, MCUs, and DSPs.

Pyxis - an Arduino OS

The thing I simply can't omit: Pyxis OS for an Arduino.
Pyxis logo

Introduction to 6502

6502 information is not as nostalgic as it seems to be...

Glade - AVR audio library

Glade is a simple, easy-to-use, 8-bit audio library for the Arduino. It allows you to play sound on the pin 11 of the Arduino board using PWM.


A Python interpreter for microcontrollers with resources as limited as 64 KB of program memory (flash) and 4 KB of RAM.


vAVRdisasm is an AVR program disassembler. It supports all 136 AVR instructions as defined by the Atmel AVR Instruction Set

AVR code for Nokia LCD

Sample AVR library for controlling the Nokia 6100 LCD.

Z80 code bits from MICROCode

Some old software from MICROCode for your CP/M computers

6502 bits

Some 6502 information, tips and tricks

FemtoOS for AVRs

The Femto OS is a very concise portable preemptive operating system (RTOS) for embedded devices with minimal ram and flash, say 2KB .. 16KB flash and 128 .. 1024 bytes ram.

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