µ[micro]electronics info

A weblog focused on interesting circuits, ideas, schematics and other information about microelectronics and microcontrollers.




Because I have not tested all electronic circuits mentioned on this pages, I cannot attest to their accuracy; therefore, I do not provide a warranty of any kind and cannot be held responsible in any manner.

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2010 Link Flush

Many links flushed at once, or "what I forgot in 2010"...

Microcontrollers gotchas

A list of AVR and PIC common pitfalls by Ladyada.

Serial SRAM

Microchip Technology Inc.announced a family of 8- and 32-Kbyte stand-alone serial SRAM devices, which increase a system’s available RAM memory by adding small, inexpensive external devices.

Ethernet controller ENC624J600

Microchip announces new ethernet controller named ENC624J600 - the successor of the well-known ENC28J60.

RSS feed for the PicList mailing list

A short announcement: I've prepared the RSS feed for the PicList.com mailing list. You can find it here: http://feeds.feedburner.com/pic-list. Enjoy.

SPI2CF - WLAN solution

The complete WLAN solution for AVR and other CPUs.

Stamp-based garage parking assistant

The Garage Parking Assistant makes it easy to pull in the garage by signaling you with a traffic-light style display of when to pull in (GREEN), slow down (YELLOW) and stop (RED).

dsPIC WAV Player

Audio playback using the dsPIC on a simple breadboard layout with a free code library for SD card access from Microchip.

Parallel Processing Computer

This project introduces a computer that uses multiple microcontrollers (MCUs) that cooperate to solve one problem. This “parallel computer” can be used as an educational system that will help the development, understanding and fine-tuning of many parallel algorithms. It can also be used to achieve high performance in many cases such as in Digital Signal Processing.

PIC MIDI controller

This MIDI Controller uses a PIC16F877A Micro and a 2 pin LCD Character Display.

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