µ[micro]electronics info

A weblog focused on interesting circuits, ideas, schematics and other information about microelectronics and microcontrollers.




Because I have not tested all electronic circuits mentioned on this pages, I cannot attest to their accuracy; therefore, I do not provide a warranty of any kind and cannot be held responsible in any manner.

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EtherCard - cheap Ethernet module with ENC28J60

The Ether Card is a basic Ethernet interface for use with the JeeLabs' Carrier Board, but you can use it in your own design (or breadboard...)

Yaler: access small devices from the Web

Yaler aims to provide a simple, open and scalable relay infrastructure for the Web of Things - i.e. simple embedded devices ("things") accessible via Web (e.g. browsers).

Ethersex - IPv6 on the AVR

Ethersex is a universal platform to access microcontrolers via IP protocol (including IPv6) and makes a solid base for your own development.

E-mail checker

How to use an Arduino and an Ethernet shield together to check e-mail box via POP3 protocol...

AVR Ethernet I/O board

This is really great board: AVR Ethernet I/O board with 2x RS232, 2x USB connector, BW composite video, Real Time Clock with battery backup, PS/2 keyboard connector, Wiz810MJ ethernet module and LCD 16x2 display.

Photo: Ben Zijlstra

Ethernut - embedded server on AVR

Ethernut is an Open Source Hardware and Software Project for building tiny Embedded Ethernet Devices.

Digital Receipts System

An interesting crossover between hardware (MCU, card reader, display) and software (PHP web server) by Cornell University students.

Microcontroller-based Web Radio

Two simillar projects with one goal - a handy portable web radio, based on microcontroller (AVR or ARM), a VS1053 audio codec and Ethernet controller (built-in with the ARM version), with Power-over-Ethernet capability.

Propeller and Ethernet: PropNIC

Another article about connecting Parallax Propeller with ENC28J60 Ethernet controller.


Parallax Propeller chip meets the Internet Relay Chat.

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