µ[micro]electronics info

A weblog focused on interesting circuits, ideas, schematics and other information about microelectronics and microcontrollers.




Because I have not tested all electronic circuits mentioned on this pages, I cannot attest to their accuracy; therefore, I do not provide a warranty of any kind and cannot be held responsible in any manner.

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ds30 bootloader

ds30loader is an 100% open source bootloader for the Micropchip dsPIC30F family of digital signal processing microcontrollers. It supports all devices out of the box, only minor adjustments need to be done in firmware.

Library for Nokia 3310 display

The library is written in C language and compiled with C30 compiler for the dsPIC family.

Scopey II

Build a dsPIC Oscilloscope and Spectrum Analyzer with 128x64 LCD display

dsPIC WAV Player

Audio playback using the dsPIC on a simple breadboard layout with a free code library for SD card access from Microchip.

Electronics sthetoscope

This project is an attempt to build a portable electronic stethoscope that selectively
amplifies body sound signals for clear auscultation by applying various digital filters
using Microchip dsPIC capabilities along with Microchip’s low noise op-amps and PGA.

dsPIC Synthesizer

dsPIC-based voice MIDI synthesizer by Michael Herman

MIDI Laser Show

Scott Coppersmith presents laser show controller based on dsPIC

Touch the dsPIC

If you are thinking to move on DSP, maybe dsPIC microcontrollers can be a good start as they have DSP engine built in that allows fast multiply and divide operations with arrays.

MP3 software decoder for dsPIC33

A great thing: software-based MP3 decoder for dsPICs, published under GPL.

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