A weblog focused on interesting circuits, ideas, schematics and other information about microelectronics and microcontrollers.
Because I have not tested all electronic circuits mentioned on this pages, I cannot attest to their accuracy; therefore, I do not provide a warranty of any kind and cannot be held responsible in any manner.
Two frequency counters with PIC
Two simple frequency counters with PIC microcontrollers.
The first one is made by Wolfgang "Wolf" Büscher, DL4YHF - Here
* frequency range 1 Hz ... 50 MHz (prototype worked up to 60 MHz but this exceeds the PIC's timing specifications)
* four or five digits resolution (display for example x.xxx kHz, x.xxx MHz, or xx.xx MHz)
* automatic range switching with different gate times
* optional addition or subtraction of a frequency offset (programmable)
* optional preamplifier for the input signal
* can be built on a single-sided 'breadboard-style' circuit board
* firmware available for common-cathode as well as commom-anode displays
* very low component count: a PIC 16F628, 4 or 5 7-segment LED displays, a 4- or 20-MHz crystal and a few resistors, optionally one transistor and a few diodes to drive the 5th digit, optionally one other transistor for the preamplifier.
* preprogrammed frequency offset for transceivers with 4.0 MHz IF
* optional (configurable) power-saving mode which automatically turns the display off if the frequency didn't change significantly within 15 seconds
The second one is based on PIC16F84, made by IK3OIL - Here