µ[micro]electronics info

A weblog focused on interesting circuits, ideas, schematics and other information about microelectronics and microcontrollers.




Because I have not tested all electronic circuits mentioned on this pages, I cannot attest to their accuracy; therefore, I do not provide a warranty of any kind and cannot be held responsible in any manner.

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Bluescreen SUN - ARM with touchscreen

ThaiEasyElec's Bluescreen SUN (hopefully not BSOD) is a great development kit for embedded devices, based on ARM architecture and LCD touch screen display.

SED1520 - based graphic LCD

Simple and deadly cheap LCD graphic module 122x32 pixels, controlled by SED1520 / EPSON.

Propeller-based LCD module

I think it's not only the LCD module, but a good Propeller dev kit.

(Source: GadgetGangster web)

Tachometer with a LCD from Nokia 5110

Ten years ago was Nokia 5110 The Big Cellphone. Here is an useful recycling: Digital tachometer with a 5110 LCD.

(Source: Elfly.pl)

Color LCD + touchscreen module by GadgetGangster

I like a Parallax Propeller MCU, it's a really neat hack. And I've found the ultimate source of miscellaneous accessories for Propeller, and much more...

(Picture: Gadget Gangster web)

Homebrew AVR-based iPhone-like device

Don't be silly - you can't make an iPhone with an AVR at home, of course. But you can get a surprising amount of functionality out of a 8-bit processor and a cheap touch LCD.

FPGA Interfacing of LCD module

This project is about interfacing a typical HD44780 Text LCD to an FPGA using delay elements with a Finite State Machine (FSM).

LCD display module

LCD aplhanumeric modules are good available and it's simply to use them. Here are some tips and ideas.

USB LCD interface

USB interface for parallel LCD modules.

AVR GameBoy

A simple handheld game console with two ATtiny26 and LCD graphic display module.

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