µ[micro]electronics info

A weblog focused on interesting circuits, ideas, schematics and other information about microelectronics and microcontrollers.




Because I have not tested all electronic circuits mentioned on this pages, I cannot attest to their accuracy; therefore, I do not provide a warranty of any kind and cannot be held responsible in any manner.

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I2C LCD back-pack

The I2C LCD Back-Pack is a small(ish) PCB that can be plugged onto the back of an LCD so that you may control it over an I2C bus.

Weeboy - A portable, color, tilt-controlled video game system

The Weeboy is a portable color video game system that is not dependent on stationary displays or external power sources and features novel tilt-based control.

Nokia 1100 LCD Pic interface

Nokia 1100 display working with a PIC writen in Microchip C.

LCD thermometer

Thermometer based on ICL7136 A/D convertor and LCD.

LCD display for GPS module

A cool and creative way to combine the PIC Programming with the GPS LCD display.

Measuring Heart Rate

Did you know that The human heart can be measured optically. The heart beat with the varying blood pressure leads to a measurable change in the visual content of peripheral blood vessels. This is as good at the finger detect. There are two project work available, which were so far advanced that the optical signal pulse seized on a liquid crystal display graphically. Both works have been with a microcontroller PIC16C74 to collect and visualization of the signals.


Demo-application for Philips LPC2000 ARM7TDMI controller with a KS0108/KS0107-based graphics-LCD (128*64 pixels), DCF77 time-receiver and 1wire-Bus.

Cheap LCD displays from MTs again

Some links to interesting pages with LCD information.

Flickr images on a Nokia 6110 Color LCD

Most used are these green character displays with two or more rows to display menus, status or debug messages. With mass production of mobile phones, color LCDs get that cheap, that they can be used as replacement. To test the display, I hacked a kind of small digital picture frame, that fetches pictures from Flickr.

Custom characters on HD44780-based LCD display

This article discusses how to overwrite bytes in the CGRAM to display custom bit-map graphics on a Hitachi HD44780-compatible character LCD display. A method is described of transforming a raster image to an array of values that are a monochrome bit-map representation of the original.

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