µ[micro]electronics info

A weblog focused on interesting circuits, ideas, schematics and other information about microelectronics and microcontrollers.




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TV Text display with ATMega168

TV display based on AVR ATMega168 by Ben Ryves.
Photo by Ben Ryves

Propeller-based LCD module

I think it's not only the LCD module, but a good Propeller dev kit.

(Source: GadgetGangster web)

Tachometer with a LCD from Nokia 5110

Ten years ago was Nokia 5110 The Big Cellphone. Here is an useful recycling: Digital tachometer with a 5110 LCD.

(Source: Elfly.pl)

Color LCD + touchscreen module by GadgetGangster

I like a Parallax Propeller MCU, it's a really neat hack. And I've found the ultimate source of miscellaneous accessories for Propeller, and much more...

(Picture: Gadget Gangster web)

FPGA Interfacing of LCD module

This project is about interfacing a typical HD44780 Text LCD to an FPGA using delay elements with a Finite State Machine (FSM).

LCD display module

LCD aplhanumeric modules are good available and it's simply to use them. Here are some tips and ideas.

Etch-a-sketch on AVR and Nokia 3310 LCD

IR-controlled Etch-a-Sketch based on Atmel ATMega8 and Nokia 3310 LCD.

AVR library for Nokia color LCD

Another Nokia LCD Driver for 4096 Colors.

Text video display for 8bit computer

A simple and handy 40x25 monochrome text display you can attach to your 8bit computer (based on Z80, 6502 etc.) as I/O device with parallel data bus.

SoftVGA - an AVR VGA display

VGA signal generator and display based on ATMega32.

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