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A weblog focused on interesting circuits, ideas, schematics and other information about microelectronics and microcontrollers.




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Weeboy - A portable, color, tilt-controlled video game system

The Weeboy is a portable color video game system that is not dependent on stationary displays or external power sources and features novel tilt-based control.

The authors says: "Our purpose for designing this project was to demonstrate that a complete portable video game system could be implemented at an affordable price. There currently exists a large community of "homebrew" and DIY video game hobbyists who develop their own games for portable consoles. This practice is usually very expensive, as the total hardware required can cost more than $150. By pulling together a handful of low-cost parts and building the system ourselves, we have demonstrated that a complete programmable portable console can be had for less than $70, even when purchasing the parts we sampled. Our implemenation runs on a single 9V battery and features tilt-based control, monophonic sound, and 3 playable games. We call it the Weeboy because it combines features of the Nintendo Gameboy Color and the Nintendo Wii."

Link: Weeboy tilt game system

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