µ[micro]electronics info

A weblog focused on interesting circuits, ideas, schematics and other information about microelectronics and microcontrollers.




Because I have not tested all electronic circuits mentioned on this pages, I cannot attest to their accuracy; therefore, I do not provide a warranty of any kind and cannot be held responsible in any manner.

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Parallax Propeller based laptop computer

I've really dilema if this amazing construction post under 6502 or under Parallaxis. So decide yourself: This is a Propeller laptop with a 6502 co-processor and 64K of static RAM!

How to use a stepper-motor from old disk drives

Why and how to use components from old disk drives?

Introduction to 6502

6502 information is not as nostalgic as it seems to be...


Xiltendo CPLD Starter is an entry level CPLD device for the Nintendo Handhelds. It can be used for various applications with supplied hardware configurations, or it can be used as CPLD development board to create new hardware.

Xiltendo features:
* No programming cable needed – fully in-system reprogrammable

Another FORTH resources

I really love Forth... I've already said it, haven't I? ;)

MIDI expander with old ISA-BUS soundcard

An interesting article about utilizing an old ISA soundcard as a MIDI expander.

USB Mass storage device on PIC

Microchip's microcontroller applications can easily support USB Embedded Host functionality. One of the most common uses of this capability is to interface to mass storage devices, such as USB Flash Drives and memory card readers. These devices utilize the USB Mass Storage Class.

SD Card / FAT32 Interfacing with ATmega8

CC Dharmani shows how to easy connect a SD card to an ATMega 8 microcontroller.

Helix MP3 Decoder

A MP3 decoder for ARM-family microprocessors.

C64 USB keyboard

How to connect an old C64 keyboard to the PC via USB - just for curiosity and skills.

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