µ[micro]electronics info

A weblog focused on interesting circuits, ideas, schematics and other information about microelectronics and microcontrollers.




Because I have not tested all electronic circuits mentioned on this pages, I cannot attest to their accuracy; therefore, I do not provide a warranty of any kind and cannot be held responsible in any manner.

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Morpheus - Propeller-based multicore single board computer

If you are interested in the amazing Parallax Propeller chip, you appreciate the Morpheus: A dual processor Propeller based single board computer.

6802 nano computer

A really simple computer based on Motorola 6802 microprocessor.


A small computer, based on ATMega162, built by C64 lover Andre Klonz.

Parallax Propeller based laptop computer

I've really dilema if this amazing construction post under 6502 or under Parallaxis. So decide yourself: This is a Propeller laptop with a 6502 co-processor and 64K of static RAM!

Text video display for 8bit computer

A simple and handy 40x25 monochrome text display you can attach to your 8bit computer (based on Z80, 6502 etc.) as I/O device with parallel data bus.


An older "homebrew" computer based on Zilog Z80182 (upgraded Z180) for inspiration.

Atari ST reborn...

Two attempts to build an Atari ST clone.

ZX Spectrum hardware

A book about the ULA chip and other hardware information.

ZX Badaloc

A powerful 48K/128K ZX-Spectrum clone

Z80 Microcomputer

This is an actual computer, built completely from scratch. I began the project in the spring of 2006, while I was taking a course on microcomputers. My Z80 system will remain a work in progress as long as I can think of new things to add to it.

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