µ[micro]electronics info

A weblog focused on interesting circuits, ideas, schematics and other information about microelectronics and microcontrollers.




Because I have not tested all electronic circuits mentioned on this pages, I cannot attest to their accuracy; therefore, I do not provide a warranty of any kind and cannot be held responsible in any manner.

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Getting started with Forth on Propeller

How to work with FORTH on your Parallax Propeller board?

USBTiny Mkii Programmer

LUFA-powered programmer which emulates AVRISP-MKII. It works with AVR Studio and AVRDude.

Photo: Tom_L

Super simple AVR ISP USB programmer

An in-system programmer for AVR microcontrollers built with ATTiny44 with virtual USB firmware.

Breadboard CP/M

A simple CP/M system fits in breadboard nowadays. Look at Grant's Work-in-progress version.

Photo: Grant Searle

FLIRT - Friendly Little Interrupt Tasker

An attempt to simulate preemptive multithreading on 8bit MCUs.

CooCox - the ARM Cortex IDE

CooCox provides a set of free or open-source ARM developing tools, including an OS, IDE and debugger.

QP: Open-source state machine framework

QP™ is a family of lightweight, open source, event-driven, state machine frameworks and real-time kernels for embedded microprocessors, MCUs, and DSPs.

Pyxis - an Arduino OS

The thing I simply can't omit: Pyxis OS for an Arduino.
Pyxis logo

Speccy music: one wire singing

Do you remember the old times we listened the noisy sound and believed it's music out there? Let's play the one-bit symphony again!

Catalina - a free Propeller C compiler

Are you looking for C compiler for your Parallax Propeller chip? Catalina should be the one!

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