µ[micro]electronics info

A weblog focused on interesting circuits, ideas, schematics and other information about microelectronics and microcontrollers.




Because I have not tested all electronic circuits mentioned on this pages, I cannot attest to their accuracy; therefore, I do not provide a warranty of any kind and cannot be held responsible in any manner.

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Some stuff for 6502... again...

Old good 6502 is still one of the most popular microprocessor ever. Here are some tips, tricks and applications for this uP.

6502 programming

Some information about 6502 programming languages, plus one free 6502 assembler...

Parallax Propeller based laptop computer

I've really dilema if this amazing construction post under 6502 or under Parallaxis. So decide yourself: This is a Propeller laptop with a 6502 co-processor and 64K of static RAM!

Introduction to 6502

6502 information is not as nostalgic as it seems to be...


pico]OS is a highly configurable and very fast real time operating system (RTOS). It targets a wide range of architectures, from very small 8 bit processors and microcontrollers up to very huge platforms. Ports are available for 6502, 80x86, PPC and AVR.

6502 bits

Some 6502 information, tips and tricks

Old good times

Remember the old good times with all these amazing computers like ZXS, C64, BBC etc.? Get 8-bit nostalgia now!

Great 8bit projects

Two old good Z80 projects and two vintage 6502 projects by Hackman's Realm. Enjoy the past time...

6502 Single Board Computers

An inexpensive 65c02 based single board computer by Daryl Rictor.

The Old Good Ones

The old integrated circuits renewed, in a new way, for modern applications... Who makes them, where you can buy them...?

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