µ[micro]electronics info

A weblog focused on interesting circuits, ideas, schematics and other information about microelectronics and microcontrollers.




Because I have not tested all electronic circuits mentioned on this pages, I cannot attest to their accuracy; therefore, I do not provide a warranty of any kind and cannot be held responsible in any manner.

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Maze in a Box

Maze in a Box is a portable game in which you tilt a TV to navigate your way around a 3D maze as though you were in it.

Tiny2313 Development board

Easy build AVR Tiny development board.

Homebrew 8080 Computer

Two homemade 8080-based computers.

PIC18F2550 Project Board

The new PIC18F2550 Project Board was designed as the development platform for student projects.

Weeboy - A portable, color, tilt-controlled video game system

The Weeboy is a portable color video game system that is not dependent on stationary displays or external power sources and features novel tilt-based control.

MTK-85 - an 8085 Microprocessor Training Kit

Single board computer built with a 1970 Microprocessor, the Intel 8085. Best for learning the fundamental of computer system.

PICkit serial analyzer

The PICkit Serial Analyzer is a low-cost USB-based tool used to direct communication between a PC and an external serial device.

SIAM32 - Software USB host controller

Software Implemented ATMega32 USB Host Controller from the Cornell University.

PicLA - a very low cost Logic Analyser

A logic analyser using an 18F2525 PIC microprocessor and a PC. The PIC is used as a hardware capture device which monitors the datalines and records all changes. The buffering, triggering, interpretation and display is handled by a PC program running under Windows.


A quick prototyping system that will plug into a breadboard without taking up too much space

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