µ[micro]electronics info

A weblog focused on interesting circuits, ideas, schematics and other information about microelectronics and microcontrollers.




Because I have not tested all electronic circuits mentioned on this pages, I cannot attest to their accuracy; therefore, I do not provide a warranty of any kind and cannot be held responsible in any manner.

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USB OBD2 adapter

This project was begun as a response to build simple ISO9141-2/14230-4 ELM323 compatible USB adapter for On Board Diagnostic (OBD2) monitoring.

Touch the dsPIC

If you are thinking to move on DSP, maybe dsPIC microcontrollers can be a good start as they have DSP engine built in that allows fast multiply and divide operations with arrays.

EchoMP3 - small MP3 player

Cheap and excellent MP3 player based on VS1002 MP3 decoder, PIC18F45x microcontroller and LCD display from Nokia 3310 cell phone.

Two frequency counters with PIC

Two simple frequency counters with PIC microcontrollers.

Microchip announces new chips

Some new products from Microchip.

PIC Countdown timer

Here is a PIC16F84 countdown timer for PCB exposure unit

USB related PIC open source projects

Here is a list of USB-related opensource projects by Xiaofan Chen - from ASM version of USB stack to USB-Lin framework.

Microchip Technology Offers Integration’s EZLink™ Development Kit via microchipDIRECT for Sub-GHz Wireless Networking

Microchip Technology Inc. today announced the availability of Integration Associates’ EZLink™ Development Kit (Microchip part # TDKEZ915) for $240 on the www.microchipdirect.com e-commerce Web site.

This kit augments the wireless products offered by Microchip, by providing wireless customers an option for easy sub-GHz RF modem development. The EZLink radio module contains an onboard PIC18F2520 8-bit Flash microcontroller and Integration’s IA4421 EZRadio® transceiver.

Accelerometer Based Mouse

This article shows how to use an use an accelerometer as a mouse. The project uses a MEMS X/Y accelerometer, a PIC microcontroller and a old mouse. It also describes a trick for powering the new mouse with the unused RS232 serial control lines.

Soundgin - a programmable sound generator

The Soundgin is an 18-Pin Microchip PIC18F1320 that has been programmed to generate complex sounds.

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