µ[micro]electronics info

A weblog focused on interesting circuits, ideas, schematics and other information about microelectronics and microcontrollers.




Because I have not tested all electronic circuits mentioned on this pages, I cannot attest to their accuracy; therefore, I do not provide a warranty of any kind and cannot be held responsible in any manner.

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TV Tetris and Snake on AVR

Another piece (better say "Two in one") to my collection of simple TV games: Ben Ryves' Snake / Tetris, based on ATMega168.

Photo: Ben Ryves

TV Text display with ATMega168

TV display based on AVR ATMega168 by Ben Ryves.
Photo by Ben Ryves

VGA to SCART RGB converter

A simple circuit to connect your VGA graphics card to your TV.

TellyMate - A Serial-to-TV adapter

TellyMate is a VT-52 compatible terminal display device that takes data from a RS-232 and outputs text to a TV screen, developed by guys from Batsocks.


Another tiny PIC-based PONG game... I hope you're not tired with all the Pongs yet! :)

PICs in Space

Space Invaders on a PIC? No problem...

PIC PAL video

How to turn a PIC18 into a B&W Text & Graphics PAL video processor with a very few and inexpensive hardware, and a minimum of coding effort?


The YBox2 is a DIY networked set-top box. Connect it to your TV and you can design customized content to be delivered direct from the Internet.

Small AVR-based TV terminal

Terminal with ATmega8, RS232 interface and TV out by Vasilis Serasidis.

Generating TV signal with the PICs

A few schematics of the TV signal generators based on the Microchip's PICs

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