µ[micro]electronics info

A weblog focused on interesting circuits, ideas, schematics and other information about microelectronics and microcontrollers.




Because I have not tested all electronic circuits mentioned on this pages, I cannot attest to their accuracy; therefore, I do not provide a warranty of any kind and cannot be held responsible in any manner.

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Low cost ARM development board

NGX Technologies Bangalore, has launched a very low-cost and feature rich ARM7 evaluation board called "BlueBoard-LPC2148".


pico]OS is a highly configurable and very fast real time operating system (RTOS). It targets a wide range of architectures, from very small 8 bit processors and microcontrollers up to very huge platforms. Ports are available for 6502, 80x86, PPC and AVR.

Video Frame Grabber

The portable Video Frame Grabber records high-resolution camcorder frame grabs on a small flash memory card. The LM3S811-based device can grab frames from DVDs without connecting to a PC. The SD card, which stores frame grabs as BMPs, can be accessed with any SD card host.

ARM7TDMI projects

Some ARM projects from the Circuit Cellar's contest.

µSampler - Microsampler

A sampler is a device that can record and store audio signals adding effects like time stretching, distorsion, phaser, changes in pitch, etc.

An amazing ARM-based eval board

I've obtained my desired toy just today: The new ARM Cortex M3 based evaluation board from Luminary Micro external.

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