µ[micro]electronics info

A weblog focused on interesting circuits, ideas, schematics and other information about microelectronics and microcontrollers.




Because I have not tested all electronic circuits mentioned on this pages, I cannot attest to their accuracy; therefore, I do not provide a warranty of any kind and cannot be held responsible in any manner.

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TellyMate - A Serial-to-TV adapter

TellyMate is a VT-52 compatible terminal display device that takes data from a RS-232 and outputs text to a TV screen, developed by guys from Batsocks.


Simple character terminal for your homebrew computer and other projects, based on Parallax Propeller chip.


MicroVGA is low-cost VGA interface, providing 80x25 text mode (800x600 @ 60 Hz) / 16 colors. MicroVGA can be connected to microcontroller, thus it's an ideal solution for embedded applications.


Another tiny PIC-based PONG game... I hope you're not tired with all the Pongs yet! :)

Text video display for 8bit computer

A simple and handy 40x25 monochrome text display you can attach to your 8bit computer (based on Z80, 6502 etc.) as I/O device with parallel data bus.

SoftVGA - an AVR VGA display

VGA signal generator and display based on ATMega32.

PIC12F675 video game concept

All PONG game is controlled and run by 8 pin PIC12F675 microcontroller that is clocked with 4MHz internal clock generator.

GLCD video emulator

A GLCD emulator - takes commands for common GLCD and places output to the TV.


An open source 8-bit game console (an Uzebox successor)

PICs in Space

Space Invaders on a PIC? No problem...

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