A weblog focused on interesting circuits, ideas, schematics and other information about microelectronics and microcontrollers.
Because I have not tested all electronic circuits mentioned on this pages, I cannot attest to their accuracy; therefore, I do not provide a warranty of any kind and cannot be held responsible in any manner.
12. September 2009 - 15:31 — adminDo you need a Z80 microprocessor emulator in your project? Easy with Z80ex, a portable Z80 emulator.
Z80 In-Circuit Emulator Kit
20. July 2009 - 19:28 — adminDo you need to debug a Z80-based computer "in situ"? If yes, this is an ultimate "must-have" tool.
NES emulation
9. May 2009 - 18:36 — adminA Nintendo NES emulator, built on ATMega644 - another Cornell project.
Game Boy emulator w/source code
12. March 2009 - 20:05 — adminA Nintendo Game Boy emulator, written in the Microsoft C# with full source code - a great start-up code for everyone who is interested in the PC emulation of these 8bit stuff.
GLCD video emulator
4. December 2008 - 23:34 — adminA GLCD emulator - takes commands for common GLCD and places output to the TV.
Apple II emulator
13. September 2008 - 23:05 — adminThis project attempted to reconstruct a functional Apple II emulated on Atmel ATmega32 processors. Due to time constraints, a fully functional Apple II was not produced; however, a working emulated 6502 processor, memory subsystem, and partial GPU was produced.