µ[micro]electronics info

A weblog focused on interesting circuits, ideas, schematics and other information about microelectronics and microcontrollers.




Because I have not tested all electronic circuits mentioned on this pages, I cannot attest to their accuracy; therefore, I do not provide a warranty of any kind and cannot be held responsible in any manner.

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A Small MC68008 Computer System

This report presents a design for a minimal computer system using the MC68008, exploiting the unique features of the MC68008 to create a small (23 chip) computer which nevertheless executes a full 32-bit instruction set and is completely software compatible with 16-bit 68000 systems.

A Z80 nostalgia - computers by Retroleum

If you're interesting in the old computers, you haven't miss this page with interesting constructions and informations.

N8VEM - Single Board Computer

The N8VEM Single Board Computer is a home brew Z80 small computer project. It is made in the style of vintage computers of the mid to late 1970's and early 1980's using a mix of classic and modern technologies.

EASy68K - Editor/Assembler/Simulator for the 68000

EASy68K is a 68000 Structured Assembly Language IDE. EASy68K allows you to edit, assemble and run 68000 programs on a Windows PC. No additional hardware is required. EASy68K is an open source project distributed under the GNU GPL.

USB IR remote control receiver

A PIC-based USB connected IR receiver.

Site tip: MCU Space

An interesting site about 8bit MCUs by Microchip.

PICs in Space

Space Invaders on a PIC? No problem...


The Linuxstamp is an open source processor module based on the AT91RM9200. All development can be done with the USB device port which is connected (via USB/serial chip) to the debug serial port on the Linuxstamp.

PIC PAL video

How to turn a PIC18 into a B&W Text & Graphics PAL video processor with a very few and inexpensive hardware, and a minimum of coding effort?

AVGA - AVR Video game

AVGA is TILE-based AVR interrupt driven audio-video driver for a single-chip game console. Or: It's a great board for developing and prototzping AVR video stuff!

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