µ[micro]electronics info

A weblog focused on interesting circuits, ideas, schematics and other information about microelectronics and microcontrollers.




Because I have not tested all electronic circuits mentioned on this pages, I cannot attest to their accuracy; therefore, I do not provide a warranty of any kind and cannot be held responsible in any manner.

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DIY PIC Micro House Network [PicNET2 ]

An free and open-source house network based on PICs.

Internetworking with PICs

It takes just few components to get the ENC28J60 up and running and connected to a host microprocessor or microcontroller with support for the industry standard SPI interface.

USB soundcard based on PIC

An USB soundcard for PC based on Microchip PIC18F2550.

Open-source AVL

AVL stands for Automatic Vehicle Location, which is accomplished by means of a tracking GPS and M2M modules. Actually a small AVL can be used to track any objects, including kids and pets.

PIC18F2550 Project Board

The new PIC18F2550 Project Board was designed as the development platform for student projects.

PICkit serial analyzer

The PICkit Serial Analyzer is a low-cost USB-based tool used to direct communication between a PC and an external serial device.

PicLA - a very low cost Logic Analyser

A logic analyser using an 18F2525 PIC microprocessor and a PC. The PIC is used as a hardware capture device which monitors the datalines and records all changes. The buffering, triggering, interpretation and display is handled by a PC program running under Windows.

USB Mass Storage on Microchip PIC

Implementing a Mass Storage Device Using the Microchip USB Device Firmware Framework

Real-time OS (RTOS) for Microchip PICs

A basic real time operating system (let’s call it BRTOS) for PIC microprocessors, written in PROTON PICBASIC environment.

Nokia 1100 LCD Pic interface

Nokia 1100 display working with a PIC writen in Microchip C.

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