µ[micro]electronics info

A weblog focused on interesting circuits, ideas, schematics and other information about microelectronics and microcontrollers.




Because I have not tested all electronic circuits mentioned on this pages, I cannot attest to their accuracy; therefore, I do not provide a warranty of any kind and cannot be held responsible in any manner.

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I'm going to my holidays tomorrow, so here are a lot of unsorted links and references I found in my sources. Some ZX Spectrum-related materials, vintage computer and VHDL tip. Enjoy!

LCD thermometer

Thermometer based on ICL7136 A/D convertor and LCD.

DIY: Sun tracking unit

Show your talent by DIY a Sun Tracking Unit: ScienceProg

USB related PIC open source projects

Here is a list of USB-related opensource projects by Xiaofan Chen - from ASM version of USB stack to USB-Lin framework.

BitESC - motor controller

The BitESC is a small electronic speed controller for those little RC cars like the MicroSizer / BitChar-G. It can be used in a small RC plane to have some control over the speed of the motor.

VGA clock with USB interface

PIC18F2550 based clock with VGA video output

Two MP3 players

Two different MP3 players based on Atmel's AVR appears last days. Come and see...

Free circuit diagrams

The site named Circuit Diagrams contains lots of electronic schematics & do-it-yourself (DIY) circuit diagrams.

Electronic lock with iButton

Today I've found this interesting circuit, which In use Dallas/Maxim's iButton as a key to an electronic lock.

Online circuit simulator

Very good thing for the beginners, maybe funny for professionals - Online Circuit Emulator

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