µ[micro]electronics info

A weblog focused on interesting circuits, ideas, schematics and other information about microelectronics and microcontrollers.




Because I have not tested all electronic circuits mentioned on this pages, I cannot attest to their accuracy; therefore, I do not provide a warranty of any kind and cannot be held responsible in any manner.

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A CP/M compatible machine based on Zilog eZ80.


Every user of Propeller chip noticed, that the new program must be loded to the chip either from EEPROM or by the PropPlug. But here is one more way - the PropDOS way.


I'm going to my holidays tomorrow, so here are a lot of unsorted links and references I found in my sources. Some ZX Spectrum-related materials, vintage computer and VHDL tip. Enjoy!

AVR8 Burn-o-mat

A GUI (Graphic user interface) for avrdude programmer.

V6Z80P - the "ZX Spectrum version 2009"

Retroleum's terrific Z80-based single board computer. Simply amazing!


An interesting idea: Revitalize a Butterfly kit with well-known lowcost Nokia 6100 color display.


MicroVGA is low-cost VGA interface, providing 80x25 text mode (800x600 @ 60 Hz) / 16 colors. MicroVGA can be connected to microcontroller, thus it's an ideal solution for embedded applications.

Microcontrollers gotchas

A list of AVR and PIC common pitfalls by Ladyada.

Breadboard dual power supply

Dual power supply (5V + 3.3V) for your breadboard, based on Linear Technology's LT1529 low dropout regulators.

Z80 undocumented

The undocumented Z80 features documented. :)

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